Classic FFXI community

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  Start NPC:   Despachiaire - Tavnazian Safehold (K-10)
  Items Needed:   None
  Title:   None
  Repeatable:   No
  Reward:   Elegant Ribbon
  Previous Quest:   Secrets of Ovens Lost
  Next Quest:   None


  • When Para is at 10-50% of it's health, it will replicate itself when it uses a TP move if not defeated quickly. It is helpful to save MP or TP to do large damage once it reaches low HP. If you are soloing this, you'll probably have to fight a total of 4 copies; the original and what appears to a max possibility of 3 reincarnations.Verification Needed
  • The replications are exact copies with the same amount of Max HP and strength. The NM seems to be around the same strength as Funguars in the area but with substantially more HP. The first incarnation and all of its replications can easily be disposed of with any 70+ job.

Game Description

Client: Despachiaire (Elders' Quarters, Tavnazia)

Despachiaire has asked you to investigate the origin of his late wife's amulet.